Robert Gould – The Tree Still Stands
Robert Gould finds constants through nature. While reading Georgia Fraser’s 1909 book “The Stone House of the Gowanus,” he encountered a description of an old willow tree that was thought to date back to the time of the Battle of Brooklyn. Though Gould thinks the story is apocryphal, it propelled him to search for a […]
Battle Redux
During the Battle Ground exhibit, we will explore images, ideas and questions that unfold from our interdisciplinary exploration of the Battle of Brooklyn. Why are we looking at this distant battle that took place at the cusp of American history? Does it have any relevance to the present? Can over-used and manipulated Revolutionary imagery be […]
Don’t Miss Secret Wars Artist Nene Humphrey’s Haunting Performance Piece
Wednesday, May 1, 7:30pm Location: Dixon Place, 161a Chrystie Street A video excerpt of Nene Humphrey’s ongoing project, Circling the Center, was on display during Proteus Gowanus’ recent Secret Wars exhibition. The video is a slow audio-visual dive into the center of the brain, the seat of our deepest emotion. What began as Nene’s private […]
A Roomful of Secrets
The future history of secret wars has yet to be written: Atomic priests and millenial vestments… the cryptomusicology of shortwave espionage… floating signals in unbreakable codes… the lost lost things… the shadow world of black ops… [this information has been redacted] —Tom Miller […]